The instructors of several different UW-Madison courses make regular use of the Herbarium each year, and we encourage K-12 teachers in the state to contact us for tours, fieldtrips, or other forms of engagement that will foster a greater appreciation of our region’s flora.
At a minimum, classes are given a tour of the collection. In other cases, students are engaged in hands-on exercises or they are required to complete an independent research project that makes use of the collections.
Instructors of the following courses routinely bring their students to WIS:
- Art History430 (Art of the Natural World)
- Botany305 (Plant Morphology)
- Bot400 (Plant Systematics)
- Bot401(Vascular Flora of WI)
- Bot402 (Dendrology)
- Bot422 (Plant Geography)
- Bot455 (Vegetation of WI)
- History of Science333 (History of Modern Biology)
- Zoology 405 (Museums Studies)
Please contact any Herbarium staff to arrange tours
or to discuss activities for your class!